Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It's always a wonderful time of year, reflecting what you are thankful for with friends and family. I have so much to be thankful for!

I am thankful that we are finally pregnant! It seemed like this day was never going to come, but here we are.  I'm grateful that IVF worked for us on the first try. That everything is going along so well and our baby is growing big and strong. Nothing makes you more excited about life than growing life inside you.

I am thankful to my husband, Rob, who makes me happy like no other. He's always so patient and supportive of me. He listens to me, even when it's nonsense. He always lets me know how beautiful am I, even when I feel the opposite. He works so hard, yet will find the time to help me out. He is my best friend and we always have the greatest time with each other.

I am thankful for our families. Being pregnant now makes me more aware of how special and wonderful our families are, especially our parents. They love us so much and continue to take care of us even when we are adults ourselves.

Last, but not least, I am thankful for me. I am so grateful for how strong I have been these past few years. I've learned turn around my way of thinking and become more positive and patient. I've learned to love who I am and know that I am continually growing everyday.

Being thankful is something we should all practice everyday. I list what I am grateful for each day and it just helps puts me in a better mood.


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